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Understanding Lyme Disease

An Integrative Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment

In this webinar, I delve into Lyme disease after seeing hundreds of Lyme patients in my practice and assisting my wonderful Megan’s on her personal health journey with Lyme I have seen firsthand that true healing is possible and have seen the extent this condition can effect someone’s mind, body and spirit.

Megan’s story exemplifies to me the extent to which modern healthcare has failed patients. After over a decade of harsh treatments and specialists it was not until we met that her underlying Lyme disease was diagnosed.

I cover the nature of Lyme disease, its transmission, symptoms, and the limitations of current diagnostic methods. I also discuss the holistic treatment approach adopted at Aquarian Integrative Health, and emphasize the importance of treating the whole person rather than just “the Lyme”.

Show Notes

00:00 | Introduction

00:21 | Megan’s Lyme Disease Journey

04:52 | Challenges in Modern Healthcare

07:16 | Understanding Lyme Disease

15:27 | Symptoms and Diagnosis

33:05 | Treatment Approaches and Challenges

44:51 | Comprehensive Health Solutions

58:44 | Final Thoughts


If you or someone you care about is living with Lyme disease or struggling with unexplained symptoms, we’re here to help.

Don’t hesitate to reach out.


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