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Combatting the Frequency Fence

An Introduction into Orgone with Mitch the Orgone Donor

In this must-listen episode of Aquarian Insights, orgone energy researcher Mitch the Orgone Donor reveals how orgone energy fields shape our health and environment.

Combatting the Frequency Fence with Mitch the Orgone Donor, featuring insights on orgone energy, EMF protection, and holistic environmental solutions.

Learn what orgone energy is, its connection to man-made EMFs and geoengineering, and how Mitch’s pioneering devices are creating balance and harmony in the fight against the ever increasing frequency fence.

Through decades of hands-on research and application, Mitch discusses the transformative potential of orgone energy, the significance of frequency war we find ourselves in, and the incredible impact of his Earth Pipes Across Arizona Project.

Discover how to create harmony in your home, your community and your environment with Mitch’s practical advice on incorporating orgonite devices into your everyday life.

If you’re curious about the hidden forces shaping our world—or simply want to mitigate your environment against the growing frequency fence—this episode is your introductory guide to the untapped potential of orgone energy.

Show Notes

00:00 Introduction to Orgone Energy

01:00 Understanding Orgone: Life Energy and Its Importance

05:29 The Impact of EMF and Geoengineering

08:35 Exploring Orgone Devices and Their Effects

12:03 The Connection Between Ground and Sky

20:26 The Role of Orgone in Weather and Environment

26:45 Practical Applications and Observations

42:25 Energy Flow and Health Implications

43:30 Introduction to Cloud Busters

44:08 Chemtrail Breakdown and Observations

44:47 The Role of Orgonite in Energy Fields

47:54 Creating Effective Orgonite

49:47 Wilhelm Reich’s Experiments and Life Energy

58:18 The Impact of EMF and Technological Advancements

01:02:42 The Frequency Fence and Its Implications

01:07:56 Political Manipulation and Energy Generation

01:13:31 The Future of Technology and Energy Manipulation

01:15:38 Solar Activity and Its Effects

01:16:11 The Carrington Event and Modern Technology

01:17:08 Manipulating Elements and Frequency Weapons

01:18:52 Observations of Unusual Phenomena

01:20:28 The Power of Orgone Energy

01:22:43 Orgone Gifting in Arizona

01:27:45 Earth Pipes Project

01:30:09 Challenges and Achievements

01:36:51 Advice for Newcomers

01:41:24 Final Thoughts and Resources


Visit Mitch’s site here.

Purchase Orgone for your own use from Mitch here.

Watch Mitch’s latest Youtube video here.


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