Animal Foods That Heal
Interview with Nigel O’Quinn of Higher Healths
In this episode of Aquarian Insights, I sit down with Nigel O’Quinn, the founder of Higher Healths, a company dedicated to connecting people with real food again through nutrient dense organ meats and understanding regenerative farming practices.
We discuss the nutritional benefits of consuming organ meats, particularly for improving fertility and overall health. Nigel shares his personal story behind Higher Healths inception and emphasizes the importance of high-quality sourcing from regenerative farms.
We also delve into the environmental and health implications of conventional cattle farming versus regenerative methods and address common misconceptions about organ meats.
The conversation highlights the critical role of sustainable agricultural practices in improving community health and environmental well-being. In a world that is being driven by corporate interests small scale regenerative farming is the key antidote to that.
Key Points
→ Organ meats, like liver and heart, are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, and K, and vital minerals. They are among the most nutrient-dense foods available.
→ Consuming organ meats before and during pregnancy provides vital nutrients for baby’s growth and development.
→ The liver processes toxins but does not store them. When sourced from healthy, grass-fed animals, it is a rich source of essential nutrients.
→ Key nutrients in organ meats help regulate hormones, improve energy, and support a healthy menstrual cycle and ovulation.
Show Notes
00:00 | Introduction
00:50 | Nigel’s Journey to Higher Healths
01:33 | The Importance of Organ Meats
01:58 | Challenges and Solutions in Promoting Organ Meats
03:32 | Client Feedback and Nutritional Deficiencies
06:08 | Sourcing Quality Ingredients
07:13 | Regenerative Farming Practices
08:50 | The Impact of Conventional Farming
13:39 | Transparency and Trust in Food Supply
16:11 | The Disconnect from Our Food
21:25 | Environmental Impact and Regenerative Farming
23:17 | The Misconception of Cattle and Climate Change
26:55 | Transparency in the Supplement Industry
27:40 | Transparency in Farming and Ecosystems
28:03 | The Demonization of Meat and Processed Food
29:10 | The Problem with Supplements
30:06 | The Importance of Glandulars
31:18 | Nutrient Deficiencies and Real Food
32:08 | The Role of Liver and Organ Meats
34:10 | Higher Health’s Mission and Products
49:51 | Challenges and Future Goals
52:56 | Conclusion
To find out more about Nigel’s story the Higher Healths line of products visit his website here.